I feel like a part of me is gone
One of the pieces that made me feel who i am
And it tears at me
Weakens me to the pointy that i cant get up off my knees.
I reach inside myself
Pluck my still beating heart from its restless home.
I hold it high up to the sky,begging fer it to be healed.
It turns to weathered stone in my hand
Cracks,Crumbles and spills like sand from my hand to the ground.
From the ashes of my heart,appears a single red rose
Bold & Beautiful.
I reach to pluck it
And its petals turn to a thousand butterflies
Fluttering softly against the pale hue of the morning sky
Then disappear lik the mist
Never to return.
Now i sit in endless anguish
Nowhere to go - Nowhere to stay
Watching whats left of what i knew
As the morning breez slowly sweeps it away
I feel like a part of me is gone
One of the pieces that made me feel who i am
And it tears at me
Weakens me to the pointy that i cant get up off my knees.
I reach inside myself
Pluck my still beating heart from its restless home.
I hold it high up to the sky,begging fer it to be healed.
It turns to weathered stone in my hand
Cracks,Crumbles and spills like sand from my hand to the ground.
From the ashes of my heart,appears a single red rose
Bold & Beautiful.
I reach to pluck it
And its petals turn to a thousand butterflies
Fluttering softly against the pale hue of the morning sky
Then disappear lik the mist
Never to return.
Now i sit in endless anguish
Nowhere to go - Nowhere to stay
Watching whats left of what i knew
As the morning breez slowly sweeps it away