I tuk another decision....thgt 2 giv dis relation sumtym...
i thgt i'd surely fall in luv wid him...n den d guilt wud sublime....
v wud b happie n evrything wud b f9....
So i tuk d decision.....
2 continue dis relation....
Till 2 monthzz it went on nice...
neither misunderstandingz....nor any fitezz......
Just awesum tym spent 2gether....
made us knw each othr better.....
But once again mah heart did say......
"u dun luv dis guy....but u lyk him"...go tell him dis 2day.....
I picked up all mah courage...n made my mind....
it waz tym 4 d truth 2 unwind....
I knew it wud hurt him 4 sure.....
but my heart.....wud pain more.....
Finally..i told him d reality....
most uf mah frndz said...dis izz another stupidity!!!!
But i knew dis tym i waz right...
eventhough i waz crying for d whole night.....
i waz right...yeah....i waz right!!!
Coz continuing dis relation....
wazz no longer d solution.....
With no luv 4 him in mah heart....dis relation waz fake....
no more cud i put hiz lyf @ stake???
1 uf mah frndz stood by me in dis tough tym....
tnxx 4 being there....4 takin so much care!!!!
D guy whum i hurt askd me many questnzz....
he said...."hw cud i play wid hiz heart n emotionzz??"
I shudn't hv acceptd d proposal if i waz nt sure.....
he wanted me nt 2 show him mah face any more!!!
I had thgt that atleast he wud understand......
d trauma n pain tht mah heart underwent....
I knew i had committed a mistake....
bt to correct it...dis waz d step tht i had 2 take....
i wanted him to still b mah frnd....
bt he insisted on every relationzz end.....
to him...i made it clear....
tht az a frnd i'll alwayzz b there.....
i thgt i'd surely fall in luv wid him...n den d guilt wud sublime....
v wud b happie n evrything wud b f9....
So i tuk d decision.....
2 continue dis relation....
Till 2 monthzz it went on nice...
neither misunderstandingz....nor any fitezz......
Just awesum tym spent 2gether....
made us knw each othr better.....
But once again mah heart did say......
"u dun luv dis guy....but u lyk him"...go tell him dis 2day.....
I picked up all mah courage...n made my mind....
it waz tym 4 d truth 2 unwind....
I knew it wud hurt him 4 sure.....
but my heart.....wud pain more.....
Finally..i told him d reality....
most uf mah frndz said...dis izz another stupidity!!!!
But i knew dis tym i waz right...
eventhough i waz crying for d whole night.....
i waz right...yeah....i waz right!!!
Coz continuing dis relation....
wazz no longer d solution.....
With no luv 4 him in mah heart....dis relation waz fake....
no more cud i put hiz lyf @ stake???
1 uf mah frndz stood by me in dis tough tym....
tnxx 4 being there....4 takin so much care!!!!
D guy whum i hurt askd me many questnzz....
he said...."hw cud i play wid hiz heart n emotionzz??"
I shudn't hv acceptd d proposal if i waz nt sure.....
he wanted me nt 2 show him mah face any more!!!
I had thgt that atleast he wud understand......
d trauma n pain tht mah heart underwent....
I knew i had committed a mistake....
bt to correct it...dis waz d step tht i had 2 take....
i wanted him to still b mah frnd....
bt he insisted on every relationzz end.....
to him...i made it clear....
tht az a frnd i'll alwayzz b there.....
first of all my English is not so good so u fell some difficulty to understand this......
First of all Tammy stand with u.
Its really a very big mistake that u have committed and i m sure now u r feeling the pain for that u have committed.....
But its good u have apologize for that...Even u take lot of time to share u r view with him....
But i think he has also understand u r feelings too...
Because to love someone and to like someone is not same things....
But he has to understand u r feelings.I think he should continue a very good relation of friendship with u......
And Tammy i also solute u for the courage that u have shown to the person to share her view But u have take allot of time to show this courage.......
hey tammy dis is chaitanya frm chandigarh after reading ur blogs i m totally confused as i was earlier ! what is love?
i think love is a feeling-less emotion which never last 4ever.
as i also experienced what is love n i came to knw it is gud to see in movies or gud to read in stories so hope u wont mind dis but jo hua so hua ab main to is chakkar main nahin padunga so best wishes 4 ur happy n bright future bye cyaa
love hurts tanu!
hey rumi who are you ..how u know my name is tanu ...
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